Be someone who makes you happyI
Be With Someone Who Makes You Happy
Be Someone Who Makes You Happy, Not Be With Someone Who Makes You Happy
The real secret of an abundant life is about being the person who makes you happy!!! External sources of happiness are fleeting, and while relationships, achievements, and status can bring temporary joy, they don’t create lasting fulfillment. True unconditional love and happiness start from within. I believe that’s where we connect with the divine within ourselves—no matter your spiritual beliefs. It is not found outside of us; it’s something that begins within.
Find What Lights You Up
This is why things like meditation, time alone, and self-reflection are so important—yet they’re also the things many of us struggle with. But that’s where the growth happens: in the stillness, the space where we learn to be the person who makes ourselves happy. It’s about finding what truly brings you joy, what makes you excited to wake up every morning. It’s about leaning into the things that fill you with awe and wonder. What truly matters is embracing what brings you happiness, not just focusing on pleasing others.
Listen to the Quiet Whispers
On this journey of becoming someone who makes you happy, lean into what truly brings you joy—even if it takes some experimenting. It might take time, but when you find that thing, you’ll feel it in your bones, and you’ll know you’re on the right path. And remember, not all the voices in your head deserve to be listened to—sometimes it’s the quiet whispers that hold the truth.
Progress, Not Perfection
The journey to becoming the person who truly makes you happy is not about instant transformation—it's about steady, intentional progress. Commit to showing up for yourself, even in small ways, every single day. Focus on being 1% better each day—whether it’s a moment of stillness, a small act of self-care, or taking a step closer to what lights you up. Over time, these small efforts compound into profound changes, leading you toward a life filled with authenticity, joy, and abundance.
Blessings of Abundance,
Diamond Deb
P.S : Check out the video below showing the Pacific City, Oregon Ocean.